Acology Press Releases
Acology, Inc. Showcases Operation in Video Presentation
Corona, CA. June 21, 2016: Acology Inc. (ACOL-OTC) presented a new video showcasing its operations in Southern California. The video was produced in answer to inquiries from investors and supporters who wanted more detailed information on how the company has grown so quickly.
The link to the video is HERE:
Please send all inquiries to:
Jack Rein
(844) 226-5649 Ext. 3
June 7th 2016
Acology, Inc. Poised to Take Advantage of Fed CARERS Act
Corona, California: June 7, 2016- Acology Inc. (ACOL-OTC/PINK) has published a position paper that outlines the company’s unique position to take advantage of the passage of the Federal Government’s CARERS Act later this year. (Knowledge Eclipse: Acology Looks Confidently Ahead to Repeal)
Having sold more than 600,000 units in the United States and Canada in the last 24 months Acology has positioned itself and its’ signature product, The MedTainer™, as the categorically best and most compliant packaging, labeling and tracking container in the medical and recreational MJ Industry, fulfilling requirements for safe packaging in more than 30 States and every Canadian Province. Acology also asserts that it has successfully anticipated eventual US federal guidelines for safe, certified child-resistant medical and recreational MJ packaging. Acology and the MedTainer have created a distinctive, valuable niche in this fast-expanding market. This market includes all of North America, as the Canadian Federal Government has begun to look closely at safety-compliant packaging and The MedTainer is currently selling tens of thousands of units in that country.
The US is now considering The Compassionate Access, Research Expansion and Respect State Act. (CARERS) This is by far the most comprehensive piece of federal medical marijuana legislation ever produced in Congress. This bi-partisan bill would finally remedy the state-federal conflicts over medical marijuana law with far-reaching effects. Among these would be the long-anticipated reduction of cannabis and CBDs from the current Schedule 1 Narcotic classification. Importantly, it will also create a banking mechanism for legal marijuana businesses to process deposits and profits. This in turn will open the door for the rapid expansion of businesses, like Acology Inc. that have established relationships with companies that are ready to take advantage of what will prove to be an immense financial opportunity.
This press release includes statements that are covered by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Because such statements deal with future events they are subject to risks and uncertainties and actual results for fiscal year 201 and beyond could differ materially from the company’s current expectations. Forward-looking statements are identified by such words as “anticipates”, “projects”, “expects”, “planned”, “intends” and “believes” “estimate” “targets” and other similar expressions that indicate trends and future events. It is understood that investment entails risk on the part of the investor and could result in the loss of some or all of his or her investment.
Acology Inc. and D&C Distributors are located in their new production and distribution facility at 1630 Commerce St. Corona, California, 92880. Acology trades on the OTC under the call letters ACOL. The company’s emails are for the medical and recreational MJ industry and for the hospice and palliative care industry.
Please send inquiries to:
call (844) ACOLOGY (844-226-5649) Ext. 3
May 18th 2016
Acology, Inc. Performance Strong in 1st Quarter, Business Triples
Corona, CA. May 18, 2016: Acology Inc. (ACOL-OTC/PINK) Acology Inc., released its’ 1st Quarter 10-Q of fiscal 2016 and announced sales exceeding $535K and a gross profit of $448K. That’s up from the same period in 2015 by more than $245K. Acology also announced that the cost of sales were sharply reduced by more than half from the same period last year. Sales margins, which have always been one of the strongest suits of the company and its’ products, have continued to increase and show no signs of weakening.
Continued strong sales of their signature product, The MedTainer™, and the rapid expansion of Acology’s distribution network has enabled the company to grow it’s now-global customer base. This combined distribution network of wholesalers, retailers and small operations now exceeds 2,000 and is growing monthly. One of the single most impressive achievements of the first quarter has been the sustained growth of the company at the same time that it is expanding both in its’ operative footprint and by adding new products and services to its’ customers. Satisfaction with the company and its’ services is at an all-time high, exceeding a 97% rating.
Investors who have been watching the company and have been concerned with its’ apparent lack of movement can be assured that Acology is committed to growth and sustained sales success now and in the future. The attitude of management since the company’s inception has always been to grow from the inside out and remain very confident that Acology is a solid venture now and for the foreseeable future.
This press release includes statements that are covered by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Because such statements deal with future events they are subject to risks and uncertainties and actual results for fiscal year 201 and beyond could differ materially from the company’s current expectations. Forward-looking statements are identified by such words as “anticipates”, “projects”, “expects”, “planned”, “intends” and “believes” “estimate” “targets” and other similar expressions that indicate trends and future events. It is understood that investment entails risk on the part of the investor and could result in the loss of some or all of his or her investment.
Acology Inc. and D&C Distributors are located in their distribution facility at 1620 Commerce St. Corona, California, 92880. Acology trades on the OTC under the call letters ACOL. The company’s email is
Please send inquiries to:
call (844) ACOLOGY (844-226-5649)
May 9th 2016
Acology Inc. Primed for Repeal, Makes Strong Case for Wide Implementation
Corona, CA. May 9, 2016: Acology Inc. (ACOL) California, Acology’s home state, has just kicked-off its’ formal campaign to legalize recreational use of cannabis. There is a high expectation of passage in the fall. At that point in time experts predict that the national paradigm will change and other states will rapidly alter or modify their current laws as well.
- Acology Ready to Meet State and Federal Packaging Requirements
- Two Patents and Trademark Protection
- Company Already in Talks with Legislators and Licensors
- Acology has Exceeded Anticipated State and Federal Guidelines for Safe Cannabis Packaging
Acology developers have announced that they believe the MedTainer™, as it is currently manufactured and made available nation-wide, has anticipated potential State and Federal Guidelines for compliant packaging that will be necessary in the medical and recreational marijuana industries. Even though guidelines for the industry vary from state to state and even county to county, the simple fact is that there is nothing on the market that can currently compete with Acology’s patented, trademarked product. In addition, Acology’s certificate for child-resistant packaging comes from Child Related Research, Inc. (CRR) perhaps the most prestigious company in the world for child-safe packaging. Acology has exceeded anticipated State and Federal guidelines for safe cannabis packaging for both distribution and retail. This puts the company in a unique position to benefit from what is now a $7B a year industry and conservatively estimated to grow to $22B nationally by 2020.
The MedTainer is manufactured in the United States from pharmaceutical-grade FDA approved #5 polypropylene. As well as being certified child-resistant, smell-proof and water-proof the MedTainer is extremely multi-functional and adaptable. The product can also color-coded, custom-labeled and potentially micro-chipped for identification and information. The unique grinding component that each MedTainer has built-in to its’ design is what separates the multi-use container from competitors. The MedTainer holds a US patent for both design and utility. It is certain to increase in demand as more states approve the use of marijuana in 2016. There is a growing belief that once the tide of approval becomes evident, the Federal Guidelines for packaging will be published. The MedTainer is in a unique position to instantly fill those regulations.
This press release includes statements that are covered by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Because such statements deal with future events they are subject to risks and uncertainties and actual results for fiscal year 201 and beyond could differ materially from the company’s current expectations. Forward-looking statements are identified by such words as “anticipates”, “projects”, “expects”, “planned”, “intends” and “believes” “estimate” “targets” and other similar expressions that indicate trends and future events. It is understood that investment entails risk on the part of the investor and could result in the loss of some or all of his or her investment.
Acology Inc. and D&C Distributors are located in their distribution facility at 1620 Commerce St. Corona, California, 92880. Acology trades on the OTC under the call letters ACOL. The company’s email is
Please send inquiries to:
call (844) ACOLOGY (844-226-5649)
April 26th 2016
Acology, Inc. Announces New Product Deal
- First Quarter Sales Triple
- New Product Agreements Near
- Expansion Continues in New Building
- Proprietary Printing Technology Unveiled
Corona, CA. April 26, 2016: Acology Inc. (ACOL: OTC-PINK)
Dear Shareholders:
Our report for the first calendar quarter has been completed and we would like to confirm that sales of our signature product, The MedTainer™, have tripled estimates that we made at the end of 2015. We now confidently predict that our company will top the $2M mark in sales for the MedTainer alone. As promised before the end of this calendar quarter Acology Inc. is in the process of finalizing an agreement and will soon be offering new products to our more than 1500 national and global vendors. These products are intended to enhance the unique qualities of the MedTainer and allow our expansion to continue throughout the next three calendar quarters.
In addition, we have perfected a proprietary printing capability with the direct benefit of printing custom artwork, company logos and contact information on surfaces that were difficult or impossible to print. Working closely with Mimaki USA we now have installed and made operational a new, multi-capability, larger-format printer. Initially we looked for a printer that could give a much higher production capability than our current models. Mimaki USA provided an excellent custom-made solution for both capacity and flexibility. We believe that these capabilities and the solutions they represent to our vendor base will accomplish several different goals: Precise reproduction of artwork, multi-surface/size capability, triple production volume and increased sales. In addition, with the triple-volume of this new printer, backorders of printed products will be eliminated. This will increase our already excellent and highly-rated customer service reputation.
Acology’s main purpose has always been to associate with excellent business partners that can move the proverbial needle. The early sales success of 2016, coupled with enhanced capabilities and product diversity, will create the proper environment for sustained growth for the remainder of this year and for the foreseeable future.
Please visit Acology Inc. and D&C Distributors online or by phone. The company is located in their production and distribution facility at 1620 Commerce St. Corona, California, 92880.
Acology trades on the OTC under the call letters ACOL. The company’s websites are for the hospice and palliative care industry and for the recreational and medical marijuana industry. Orders for Acology products can be taken online and by phone. Custom orders are especially welcome. Please send any and all inquiries to or call (844) ACOLOGY (844-226-5649)
This press release includes statements that are covered by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Because such statements deal with future events they are subject to risks and uncertainties and actual results for fiscal year 2016 and beyond could differ materially from the company’s current expectations. Forward-looking statements are identified by such words as “anticipates”, “projects”, “expects”, “planned”, “intends” and “believes” “estimate” “targets” and other similar expressions that indicate trends and future events. It is understood that investment entails risk on the part of the investor and could result in the loss of some or all of his or her investment.
Acology Inc. Management Team